I love Sofie Calle. And if I could have any book in the world it would be
this one.
I had seen the above images from "The Chromatic Diet" a while ago and really liked the idea. It wasn't until much more recently I paid proper attention to the text to go with it,
"In Leviathan, Paul Auster describes Maria: "Some weeks she would indulge in what she called 'the chromatic diet', restricting herself to foods of a single colour on any given day." In order to bring Maria and myself closer together during the week of December 8-14, 1997, I decided to go by the book."
Yet more coincidences, as Paul Auster wrote The New York Trilogy, which I am currently reading (see last post). Sofie Calle had enjoyed Auster's previous books, probably including the New York Trilogy, and then asked him base a character on her in his next book, which he did in Leviathan, and then she went on to make work from this. Including the "Chromatic Diet". So I should also read Leviathan.
Also coincidently, today falls into the same week that Sofie Calle followed the Chromatic Diet, December 8-14, exactly twelve years later.
I really love Sofie Calle's work, but I can also see why people would hate it. A lot of it could be viewed as being overly sentimental, but I think she gets away with it, as she is just doing what she would do naturally, and it just so happens that this can be seen as art. It therefore happens very naturally, and she doesn't worry about it being "arty" enough or or too sentimental.
"I didn't see myself as an artist. I was playing for time"